Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has apologised to ACT leader David Seymour for calling him an “arrogant prick” in Parliament. Read to know what she said !
Jacinda Ardern has apologized
During a meeting of the Parliament on Tuesday, Jacinda Ardern, a liberal, could be heard calling her rival David Seymour, the leader of the libertarian ACT party, “such an arrogant prick” after he asked her to provide an example of her “making a mistake, apologizing for it properly, and fixing it.”
As The Washington Post reports, Ardern’s remark was whispered, though it was still picked up by in-house microphones and entered into official parliamentary records.
“I’m aware that comments I made in the House yesterday in regards to the leader of the Act Party were recorded on the Hansard,” Ardern, said on Wednesday. “On that basis, I wish to formally, in this House, withdraw and apologize for those comments, which I won’t repeat.”

Following Parliament’s Question, David Seymour spoke to media. “Some days I am a useless Maori, others days I am an arrogant prick,” he said. “The apology we are really looking for is for New Zealanders worried about rising prices and ram raids.”
“Jacinda Ardern text me and said, I apologize, it’s not something I should have said and she said, as my mum would say, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it.
“I agree with the sentiment and it is all good as far as I am concerned. I just said, thank you and I hope you have a very merry Christmas. At the end of the day, it’s not the end of the world.”