Do you want to stop constipation and bloating? Heard of Emma Relief Supplement? If yes, you are in the right place. This Emma Relief review is for you to know all about this product whether to shop or not.
In this post, you are assured of getting my earnest review on the health supplement.
What is Emma Relief Supplement?
The Emma Relief Supplement appears to be a gut health supplement designed for women with the claim of scientific backing and world-class ingredients. According to the website, Emma is not a probiotic as it is something entirely different.
It promises to fight heartburn, inflammation, food intolerance. What’s more, it claims to restore digestive regularity and gut flora & gut lining.
Also, Emma digestive supplement comes in different categories such as 1 Pack, 3 Packs and 6 Packs.
While the product appears legit, this review is for you to know if the product is worth buying or not. More so, this review will expose all that is needed to know about this product.
Take a look at other details—
What Are The Ingredients In Emma Relief?
Emma relief supplement contains different herbs ingredients such as Licorice root extract, Star Anise, Quercetin, Berberine, Chicory root inulin and Resveratrol.
These herbs are not only soothing, they’re also known to contain 100 anti-inflammatories. Most supplements contain these ingredients.
- It causes food tolerance
- Reduces food cravings
- Effective and regular bowel movements
- Strong gut lining and flora
Does Emma Relief Work for Digestion?
The main function of Emma is to naturally bring balance to the gut environment, increasing beneficial friendly flora while suppressing dangerous pathogenic bacteria, and ultimately repair the delicate lining of the digestive tract.
Does It Really Work?
Emma Relief Supplement is another gut health supplement designed specifically for women as their hormones can affect their menstrual cycle and digestive system. By all its presentations, the product claims to be entirely different from probiotic.
What Helps Digestion Immediately?
You can help prevent indigestion by making lifestyle changes such as
- Eat more fiber e.g Vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes
- Avoiding exercise right after eating
- Chew food carefully and completely
- Don’t eat late (No night snacks)
- Wait 2 to 3 hours after eating before you lie down
Should You Buy This Emma Relief Supplement? (My Opinion)
Honestly, this Emma Relief Supplement may not be a scam, but it is not entirely effective. In my long to end constipation and gut, I purchased this supplement to achieve my aim. On testing the product for days, I discovered it does not completely ease my constipation. It’s just like a couple of gut supplements that I took in the past.
Considering the product, it can be used by consumers, but advise you see your doctor before taking any supplement.
Have you tried this gut supplement before? Does it go well with you? Please share your experience in the comment section below. Thank you!
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dear Dr. Gina Sam, I have been severely constipated for most of my life. I’ve tried everything from Metamucil, stool softeners, mild laxatives, natural laxatives, . I cannot have a bowel movement without a strong laxative. And sometimes even that doesn’t work for days. By then my stools are so hard that it’s like trying to pass a large hard baseball . The pain is so excruciating pain, I’m in tears. . Followed by bleeding. I have terrible hemorrhoids, and fissures. I feel sick to my stomach most days. I never feel completely emptied out clean. . Emma would be an answer to my prayers. But I am a senior citizen on a fixed income (social security) so I cannot afford to spend so much money just to duped as I have in the past. So I need to believe and trust that you are a legitimate, honest doctor/company and that if it doesn’t work for me that my money will be refunded. But my quality of life is so poor mostly due to my severe digestive issues, I am willing to try Emma. And hope this is the answer to my prayers. Sincerely, Deborah Wade
P.s. I have my regular colonoscopies, and recently an endoscopy because I was having such bad stomach pain. I don’t eat much because the constant bloating, gas and pain has left me with no appetite. I’m anemic and vitamin D deficient. I believe all due to my gut issues.
How has it helped? Your story is my story except I have to resort to regular enemas to clean out- I am hesitant as well – too many hoaxes.
Hello Deborah,
I have the same issue as you are describing. I tried this product for 30 days. The inflammation that I get from being on roll a coaster with products to help me go to the bathroom was reduced on this product. However, I still need to take Miralax at least once a week. I don’t feel as toxic as I used to feel but I noticed my hair started to fall out “big time”. I quit taking the product as of two days ago. If my hair stops falling out I will know it was this product. I have increased my water intake. I make sure to get 60 oz of water per day. I still have my 2 cups of coffee every morning besides the 60 oz of water. Maybe that was all I ever needed to do. This product is not inexpensive! I had purchased 3 bottles, but I can’t find anywhere to return the 2 remaining bottles to get a refund. So maybe you should just hold off until more proof is available about this product. Best regards, Jo Ann
I had parasitic rope worms discovered after cleansing enemas. It was so bad I did enemas every other day just to go. My gastroenterologist couldn’t find anything. I went to a reiki healer who discovered them and after several sessions eliminated them. I no longer saw dead worms in the toilet after enemas. Took a while to repair my gut, but I’m getting there. If you try a reiki healer – find a Master level Reiki therapist.
It worked for me. I only ordered 1 bottle because I was skeptical. I’m ordering the 6 pack deal. Like you I’ve tried every home remedy and laxative on the store shelf.
Any internet advertisement that starts with a 30 minute video that spends 29 of those minutes scaring you and teasing you about some secret before springing the expensive supplement on you is a SCAM!
thanks again joe it sounds just like a scam
I agree 100 percent. There is nowhere to return it.
Please wake up people. This is a scam. There is no way you can reach them and they don’t get back to you . I reported them to bbb and consumer affairs. It really upsets me when scammers do tjis.
Hello! The site said to contact customer support at [email protected]//Blessings
Yes, and doesn’t allow you to skip all the pitch and just read it. Annoying as heck advertisement.
Joe, I agree with you, 100%. Why do they have to give such long, long, lo—–n-g, boring presentations packed with information that is of no interest to anyone? Surely, they are trying to scare people into buying their products that they very well know are not effective. They have no interest in other people’s health; they only want MONEY!! What a shame!
You’re absolutely 💯 right Joe, I find it outrageous how they scare you with all types of problems, to compel you to buy their products in bulk, and they are definitely not CHEAP to start with.
In every review I’ve read, the person talks that they didn’t see immediate results but the video I watched on the product and how it works explains the process and didn’t claim to be an instant fix. I’d like a review from someone who took it daily for 3 months.
Hi, Joi
I took Emma for 3 Month. I am a vegetarian and very slim. I still have to take some Chinese herbal tea to help me to empty completely. So what company “Emma” claim is not for everyone.
Also it is very expensive.
I am not buying anymore, it is waist of money and expectations.
I have taken two capsules every morning with a cup of coffee and a small bowl of cereal. I have IBS with both C and D – back and forth. I think I have tried almost every probiotic out there – usually 3 mos. Nothing has worked for me until Emma. After about a week and a half, I had my first real grown up normal poop in so many years, I can’t even count! What may be a scam for some, is working like magic for me. It is SO expensive, but I have a morning call at the same time every morning and my poop looks just like what Dr. Oz said it should look like ( I happened to see a show years ago about poop). I can actually go out and not have to worry that there won’t be a bathroom on site. Hoping this won’t change….I feel really good about it. Won’t lie – its gonna hurt when I have to reorder. it costs TOO much.
I have taken two capsules every morning with a cup of coffee and a small bowl of cereal. I have IBS with both C and D – back and forth. I think I have tried almost every probiotic out there – usually 3 mos. Nothing has worked for me until Emma. After about a week and a half, I had my first real grown up normal poop in so many years, I can’t even count! What may be a scam for some, is working like magic for me. It is SO expensive, but I have a morning call at the same time every morning and my poop looks just like what Dr. Oz said it should look like ( I happened to see a show years ago about poop). I can actually go out and not have to worry that there won’t be a bathroom on site. Hoping this won’t change….I feel really good about it. Won’t lie – its gonna hurt when I have to reorder. it costs TOO much.
I would love to know as well. I am 26 and deal with IBS, constipation, hemorrhoids, GERD, and recently fissures. I would love if this is a solution if someone did it completely for three months let me know. I’m tired of taking a bunch of medicine like I’m 76 instead of 26. I have to take Pepcid every evening now thanks to after COVID making my GERD worse. I take Omeprazole in the morning for GERD. I am suppose to take Miralax and Citrucel but it is hard to remember to take along with the recent cream I am having to put on my fissure if I can even reach it. It is hard to keep up and remember all of this stuff. I also have to take Doxycycline (over a year) for a bacteria that is causing my acne and then trauma I had from glass in a wreck that is still in my skin that doctors have no idea where it is still at. I would just love to feel like anyone else in my 20s with energy and not have their quality of life affected since these are supposed to be the better years of my life. Just from how relatable the video was which I’m sure is a way to pull people in with something being relatable I would love to know if it legitimate and worth it. I am also thinking about trying to the herbs she explained in the video.
Hi Ericka,
I just wanted to offer you empathy. I understand because I’m 41 now but at 35 I was started (gradually) on 18 meds and am still on 18 trying to lower the number and still feel much older than 41. So I understand your utmost frustration and that you must feel alone as I do and other people going through what we’re going through must be feeling too. Please msg me if I can be supportive in any way.
Hi there! I am on day 6 of taking this supplement and I’m still waiting for something big to happen. Bowels have not changed. I have taken it the past 5 nights- 2pills after dinner- as I have read to do. I think I can say the inflammation in my stomach has decreased a bit but nothing else. I don’t feel any different being on it. I do have bright yellow urine in the morning now though.
Thanks for the comments. I will not be ordering. So tired of listening to 30 min presentations about the wonders of a product to find it does not work for the people that really need the help.
Excruciating waiting for that non existent 7 second routine in the morning!
Exactly! I almost ordered it. Whew!
I’ve watched it three times because I thought I must have missed it! Also, I thought it had good info on the body function.
Constipation is getting bad though, so I’ll think I’ll save myself the cash and buy the book I gave to a friend to help her with her body issues. It’s called The Miracle of Fasting by Bragg. It’s a fun and interesting read and after about 50 pages, I thought I could probably try this for at least 24-36 hours.
I felt so good using his method after 24 I went 36, and of course felt really good. Remember when you were 5? Yep!
I’ve done up to a four-day fast and never felt better in my life! Again, like I was 5! I was going to go 7 but my friend came into town and I wanted a beer… This was about 18 years ago and the book was about $10 so that’s where I’m going to start, and hope you folks will too! The doctors couldn’t figure out what I had but after a year of me researching, one finally said and treated me for Lyme’s disease. I thought the fasting cured me almost overnight, but never really could prove when I started what, but something changed me overnight! Trust me, you’ll understand why it works and notice a big change. That’s the book, it explains it all and you’ll understand it and want to try it instead of Internet ads. Once you begin you’ll be amazed at how is it is to keep fasting. If you need something to take other meds, I suggest 1 apple or some blueberries, or yogurt. Or skip the darn meds for a day and see…
I wonder if she even exists in NY and guess I’ll be looking it up. The ad is done by a professional would be my guess as to my skepticism in the first place. Think of any doctor you know reading like this. (Obama could read copy like that)
That’s was my prob also…. Where is the promised 7 sec fix to produce movement immediately?!!
I am too scared to try This product due to a real long intro with a scary 29 min. intro. Too many of these look like phishing and scams. david .m
I have been taking one capsule of Emma each mid-day. I am only 100 lbs and in a wheelchair, starting slow. The 2nd or 3rd day, I went really well twice, but only every other day since then. I don’t see much of a difference in my bloating. I am going to try 2 capsules spread out today. I called the doctor’s office in NYC to see if she and the product are legit, and the person that answered the phone said yes, but they do not promote it through her practice, of course.
Thank you for making that call & sharing what they said!
No mention of your diet. 30+ years ago I went gluten free (well before it became a ‘thing’). My face cleared up and lo and behold, my digestion improved.
Sounds like you have gotten caught up in our medical merry go round. Get off the doxy. Proton pump inhibitors may relieve symptoms but are not digestion friends. Look at over the counter Tums. Even DGL, a licorice extract.
Start your research into a whole other health care world we have. And, into nutrition. Bananas are constipating as can be milk. Check into probiotics which can be confusing as there are so many.
Emma ingredients sound great but I shy away from compound products. That is, more than 1, 2, or even 3 ingredients together in a single product. You can research the individual ingredients.
I was your age when I realized I would be my own best advocate.
Take care. All the best.
Thank you! Sensible–think I’ll look up “Fasting”.
I too got stuck listening to a 30 min infomercial. I’m not going to spend $60+ and not have any results line everyone has stated. Thank you friends.
I purchased Emma a couple months ago. Expensive but needed something for this intense pain I was getting. It took forever to receive so in the meantime I started taking acidophilus and the pain left immediately. Emma finally showed up and started taking it daily. Noticed a change in my bowel movements pretty fast. Typically I would not go for a couple days but now very very regular with an easy stool no constipation. I will say that I have to go right away and my skin is looking healthier. Because of the cost, I will not order again but will continue eating better with a balanced diet and recommend the inexpensive probiotic acidophilus for digestive health.
I am always suspicious of ads with a 30 min spiel and at the end an expensive med, but the more you buy, the cheaper it is per bottle… if you buy now! (Even as I was hearing her say the ‘special’ price was not available anywhere else, I was googling on my computer and looking at the exact same prices on a website!) People who suffer with these issues want to believe there is miraculous cure, something easy…a pill to take. They prey on people’s vulnerability and desire to feel better. A big part of our gut problems are our diet, lack of exercise and stress…. all things that require time and effort. In our ever busy lives, we often don’t take care of ourselves properly…too many distractions. I find that when I eat a healthy diet regularly, and stay active, I have less gut problems. It’s just not always convenient or easy to maintain.
I bought a 30 day supply after hearing the long schpeel on it. Have been taking it for a week now. It has helped with boating for sure. constipation not sure yet. started with 2 per day then 3 now 4 per day. ill stay on 4 per day. should last a couple more weeks. If anything positive happens I will re post.
I took this product for 3 months. If I supplemented with another digestive aide, it was very effective , but not daily relief as advertised and the longer I took it the less effective it became. My understanding was that it heals your gut. If that’s the case you shouldn’t have to take it for months on end. I think it’s way overpriced and the fact that the company encourages customers to buy multiple bottles at a time and then during check out tries to peddle even more products is evidence that it is a scam.
i think that their approach is not great but i would reserve the word “scam” for a bait and switch as there is some truth to what they’re peddling. i’ve taken some other supplements that have used this same format and while they were expensive, i have learned through the process what my body responds to.
ultimately, if people would be willing to do some of the homework themselves and realize that it is a lifestyle change, not just an easy 1/2/4-tablet trick, they would see some results as well.
diet and exercise…the 2 words no one wants to hear, but what really does make the difference.
what that means for everyone individually is only figured out by trial and error.
i will be 50 next month and have struggled with all of this for most of my adult life, until the last ten years. i’ve learned that a) everyone is different, b) there is no one thing that works for everyone, c) movement is life and you have to get up and move around, and d) finding a healthy diet that you can maintain while recognizing that you’re not depriving yourself as much as you’re liberating your body…those are the keys.
as far as what has worked for me…i keep to a paleo/keto diet, and i move – daily. i’m not very good at drinking my water, which would definitely alleviate some of my other issues, but my bowels are regular and i’m not struggling anymore.
wish you all the best!
Did I miss the 7 second fix?? I watched it with great focus and never saw it.
This is really disappointing. That was the hook that got me to waste 30 minutes of my life.
Where is this magical 7 second routine to do every morning???
I fell for the Emma miracle. Ordered what I thought was 6 bottles and then regretted that many. There was no total, no “order now” button”, nothing to print and no “thank you” email confirming I’d ordered and what I’d ordered so I assumed it had not gone through. So I was shocked to finally receive 9 bottles for a total of about $350, no receipt in the box. Only through Discover card did I find out the totals of two separate orders. I called the number on the Discover statement and did get a hold of someone and after pressing the issue, she gave me 80% off leaving me still to pay about $69 for a free 90 day free trial. I get to keep the product. Nice. Add to that, I have never been so constipated in my life and that’s saying a lot. My lesson is, don’t doctor over the phone or internet. And there are no miracle cures. I did not need this on top of 57 years of Lyme disease and the joy that brings. We always say we’ve learned our lesson but there are too many lessons to learn. There will be something else to learn soon.
I’m that person who ordered from Emma. I did get an email immediately from them confirming that I bought 6!!! bottles from them which I did not. I ordered 3 and now wish I hadn’t even ordered. I have had problems with my gut since I was a child and I am 67 years old now and still have many problems. I immediately contacted them through email and they said it may take between 2-4 days to hear back from them. I’m desperate to fix my health problems so I was willing to try this 😫😫
Emma was a complete waste of money. I am nearing the end of the third bottle as I was suckered into buying a three month supply, and it has done absolutely nothing. I wish I had dug into some reviews before I purchased it.