Trademark Omega Scam Blackmail 2023 Beware!!!

Have you just confirmed the Trademark Omega Scam making round? Be cautious! Scammers are onto something sinister this day.

Trademark Omega Scam

Falling victim to this scam can have a significant impact, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Learn how to report and take action against these scammers.

Trademark Omega Scam – What is it about?

Trademark Omega is a scam trademark company trying to lure recipients into registering your trademark through misleading solicitations.

The text of the post reads:

If you find yourself receiving this email or text messages from someone you don’t know, it’s important to be cautious. So beware!

Trademark Omega Scam Blackmail

 The email scares business owners into hiring Trademark Omega to file a trademark application.  It tells recipients that the email is from a “legal department.”  Receiving an unexpected email or letter from an attorney can be scary and immediately puts the owner on the defensive.

The email states that someone else is intending to register the brand name of your business. Also, the email says that it is mandatory to register your trademark in order to own the federal trademark rights.

What Is Wrong about this Trademark Omega Scam?

First, this email is misleading because Trademark Omega claims to know that there is an “applicant” out there seeking to register the same brand name.  Obviously, this “mystery applicant” is not their client, or they would not be reaching out to you (potentially violating the law by doing so).  

Further, the line that “…it is mandatory to register your mark to hold the ownership rights federally” is misleading.  This is phrased to make it sound like you have to register your trademark with the federal government, which is not true.  In actuality, this sentence is a simple truism: in order to have federal trademark registration rights you must register your trademark federally.”  The phrasing makes it sound more ominous than necessary.

Finally, the sender of this email has an email signature indicating his title as “Sr. Intellectual Property Attorney.”  However, Trademark Omega’s website states that they “are not a law firm.”

Trust Trademark Omega Fake Or Real

It is true that failure to register your trademark with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office can cause issues for your business.  A federal registration is a very valuable asset.  However, you should not trust Trademark Omega, which sends out misleading solicitations, to assist you with federal registration.

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