Tiktok Data Privacy Settlement Email: Scam or Legit $92M Class Action Settlement?

Got the Tiktok Data Privacy Settlement email now searching if it is legit? Search no more. This alert provides enough information about the Class Action Settlement from tiktokdataprivacysettlement.com. Due to the rise in online scams, we provide genuine reviews that help you decide if a platform is scam or legit or worth your time. Do not disclose your details to any platform or pay for any service without checking its authenticity.

What You Must Know About The Class Action Litigation Against Tiktok

  • Plaintiffs filed a class action complaint alleging that TikTok, Inc. f/k/a Musical.ly, Inc; ByteDance, Inc.; Musical.ly n/k/a TikTok, Ltd. and Beijing ByteDance Technology Co. Ltd. (collectively, the “Defendants”), violated federal and state law by collecting and using, without sufficient notice and consent, Plaintiffs’ personal data in connection with their use of the TikTok – Make Your Day video-sharing application (and/or its predecessor app Musical.ly) distributed in the U.S. (the “App.”).
  • Defendants deny these allegations and other material allegations in the operative complaint.
  • The Settlement1 that has been reached in this case affects the following persons (collectively the “Settlement Class”):
    • Nationwide Class: All persons who reside in the United States who used the App prior to September 30, 2021.
    • Illinois Subclass: All persons who reside in the State of Illinois and used the App in the State of Illinois to create videos prior to September 30, 2021.
  • The Settlement, if approved, would provide $92,000,000 to pay the members of the Settlement Class who file valid claims, as well as to pay Plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees, costs, a service award for the named plaintiffs, and the administrative costs of the settlement. It would also provide injunctive relief to protect App users’ information. The Settlement avoids the further cost and risk associated with continuing the lawsuits; it pays money to those persons whose rights Plaintiffs contend were violated; and it releases Defendants from further liability.
  • You may submit a claim on your own behalf or on behalf of your minor child.
  • Your legal rights are affected whether you act or don’t act. Read the notice carefully.

Are you entitled to this settlement?

For the Nationwide class: All persons who reside in the United States who used the App prior to September 30, 2021 while for the Illinois subclass: All persons who reside in the State of Illinois and used the App in the State of Illinois to create videos prior to September 30, 2021.

How to File a Claim

If you qualify for a payment, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form. You may download a Claim Form or request a Claim Form by calling the Settlement Administrator at the toll-free number below. To be valid, a Claim Form must be completed fully and accurately, signed under penalty of perjury, and timely submitted.

You may submit a Claim Form by U.S. mail or file a Claim Form online. If you send in a Claim Form by U.S. mail, it must be postmarked by March 1, 2022. If you file a Claim Form online, then you must do so by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 1, 2022.

No matter which method you choose to file your Claim Form, please read the Claim Form carefully and provide all the information required. Only one Claim Form may be submitted per Settlement Class Member. You should not submit a Claim Form if you do not qualify for a payment.

You will not receive a payment if you fail to timely submit a completed Claim Form, and you will give up your right to bring your own lawsuit against Defendants about the Claims in this case.

Is it the Tiktok Data Privacy Settlement a Scam?

NO. It is not a scam. It is legitimate. It was listed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois with Case MDL No. 2948, 20-cv-4699

Reference: https://www.tiktokdataprivacysettlement.com/

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