Pimp Admitted Scam Texts 2022: (pimpadmitted.com) SCAM! Beware!

Did you receive a Text from pimpadmitted.com, Pimp Admitted saying that you bill for march has been paid and that you won a free gift?? Do you want to find out if this text from pimpadmitted is a scam or legit one? Read this review to find out why you should be wary of such text.

What is the Pimp Admitted Text

The scam text is been sent by scammers with a link to the phishing website pimpadmitted.com. The scam text message claims that your bill for march has been paid and you also got a free gift. However this is a scam text which scammers are sending.

The scam attempts to trick recipients into clicking the link in it by claiming they will get a gift. But, the link in the text scam goes to a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.

.The spoofing links often times contains viruses, spywares, malwares, which are harmful to devices and can hack and destroy a device.

The best thing you can do when receiving a text like this is to block the sender and delete it.

Pimp Admitted Text Format

A Pimp Admitted Text always comes in this form:

From: 713-505-8638

Free Msg: Your bill is paid for March. Thanks, here‘s a little gift for you: pimpadmitted.com/KxfGBCrB9N

You may also get other similar texts as they come in various form, it is in your own best interest that you don’t click on it, simply delete it and inform others so they don’t fall victim. The goal here is to lure unsuspecting victims to click on the link that takes them to a phishing website where their personal information is then taken and used fraudulently.


From the Foregoing, it is clear that the Pimp Admitted Text is a phishing scam, So many people have received similar texts, Users should not click on the link if and when they receive such message.

To Read Further on other Online scams, Click Here.

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