Meta Business Suite Scam Message On Facebook 2023: Beware!!

Do you use Meta Business Suite? Have you received a Message on Facebook Messenger that claims to be from “Meta Business Support” or the “Meta Security Team” ? Do you want to know if is a scam? You are at the right place. Read this review to find out more about ‘Meta Business Support’ Facebook Messenger Scam.

What is Meta Business Suite Scam Message On Facebook?

 ‘Meta Business Suite Scam Message On Facebook’ Messenger scam are scam messages sent by scammers to unsuspecting people on Facebook messenger. The message claims that your page has been disabled with claims that you need to verify your account and also provide an account confirmation for “INC International Concepts. The message includes a link to a to a scam website, mfb dot mobi slash help, However this website is a scam phishing website and does not have anything to do with Meta.

What To Do If You Have Been Phished On Facebook

If you have incidentally clicked on a phishing link via Facebook, here’s what you can do to protect yourself.

  • If you are able to log in to your account, secure your account by resetting your password and logging out of any devices you don’t own.
  • If you can’t get into your account and your username or password don’t work, visit the Instagram Help Center or the Facebook Help Center for more help.
  • To start, immediately change the password yourself, so the hacker can no longer log into your account. 
  • After changing your password, report the problem to Facebook so as to stop it from happening to someone else. 
  • Go to your security settings and log out any location or devices that you cannot recognize.
  • Turn on the two-factor authentication.

How To Protect Yourself From The Meta Business Suite Phishing Messages

In order to protect yourself from the Meta Business Suite Scam Message On Facebook, there are steps needed to be put in place and they include;

  • Be wary Of any messages especially those with links on your Meta Business Suite
  • Always examine the URLs and email addresses in any message received.
  • Avoid clicking on any suspicious link, or downloading files from unknown sources.
  • Be security conscious and be up to date with security measures like the Two factor authentication, etc.

What To Do To Avoid Falling A Victim Of Phishing Scam On Meta Facebook

  • Always be on the lookout for suspicious emails and text
  • Emails from Instagram or Facebook about your account will only come from or
  • Turn on two-factor authentication for additional account security.
  • Learn how to increase your account’s security on Instagram or on Facebook.


To be on the safer side, Social media Users should be wary of clicking on links and inputting their passwords online except it is an official page. Do not click on links as this is the fastest and easiest way to get your account hacked, Use a strong Password too, and once you notice you have clicked on any suspicious websites, quickly go to your settings and change your password to a stronger one. It is also important to turn on two-factor authentication in your settings for added security.

I hope this helps!

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