Exposed Discord Scam 2022: SCAM! Busted! Beware!!

Are you a discord lover? Have you received a message to join Exposed Discord server? Do you want to find out if this Exposed server is scam or legit? Continue reading to find out more about this Exposed discord server.

What Is Exposed Discord Scam

The Exposed Discord is a scam server in Discord. This server was created by scammers and it was created on the 1st of July 2022, it has a total of 1798 members.

However this Exposed Discord server is a scam server, immediately you click on the link to join the server, your discord account gets blocked. You might be asked to scan a QR Code, if you do, your account gets hacked too. There is an ongoing conversation about this scam server on Reddit.

It was formerly known as Name and shame discord server but changed its name to Exposed discord . If you have already clicked on the link to the server, your account is at risk, you you should quickly reset your password and set up a two factor authentication code.


The Exposed Discord Server is a new and sketchy server on discord, it was formerly Name and Shame discord server not much is known about the owner(s) of this server, users are advised to tread with caution, do not scan random QR codes on the server,  Do not trust any message that says ”Use your phone that has Discord installed on it”

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