Cities: Skylines 2 (Release date, platforms, game pass)

Cities: Skylines is the king of city-builders, allowing you to create realistic cities to your heart’s content, and now it’s getting a sequel. It was announced at the Xbox Games Showcase as well as the release date, platforms, game pass status.

Cities: Skylines 2

About Cities: Skylines 2

Cities: Skylines II seems to be a next generation update of the Cities: Skylines game that was released in 2015. With new graphics, new features, and updates, it’s an upgrade of the best city-building game out there.

Cities: Skylines II Release Date

Cities: Skylines II will be released on October 24. That means only a few months to wait until we get our hands on the next generation of city builders.

Cities: Skylines 2 – Platform

  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox Game Pass

It’s also assumed the game will return on Steam for PC, although it’s not 100% confirmed.

Will Cities: Skylines 2 be available on Game Pass?

Good news Game Pass owners, Cities: Skylines II will be available on Game Pass, as per the trailer for the game.

For more upcoming game trailers and information, check out Starfield release date

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