Do you want to buy the Brightfire Lighter? Is Bright fire Lighter worth your money? Read this honest review to find out more about this lighter.
What is Brightfire Lighter?

Brightfire Lighter is a gas powered dual arc torch lighter. According to the producers it is fully refillable and can create a continuous flame with flame adjustability according your needs. They also claim that the lighter lasts a very long time with out having to re-ignite like traditional lighters. Not to mention the tough, military-grade exterior & rubberized plastic which makes it nearly indestructible so it’ll withstand tons of abuse.
The Bright fire Lighter is available at and has been making waves in the market.
Inasmuch as the Brightfire Lighter looks legit, the main concern of this review is to ascertain if it lives up to the hype, and this review would expose all that is needed to know about this product.
My Experience Using The Brightfire Lighter.
I was intrigued by the advertising claim of “gas free” and decided to order it. It however arrived late, two weeks after order. I was however very disappointed when 3 ordinary butane lighters were delivered. I called to complain, and they said no need to return the ones they sent, and they would send the three “gas free” lighters. And lo and behold, a few days later what showed up? THREE MORE BUTANE LIGHTERS! This time, the individual I talked to admitted that they really don’t have that technology and are refunding my money, which is fine with me, since PayPal already did! They don’t want any of the 6 lighters I now have back.
Is Brightfire Lighter Really Worth The Hype?
I wouldn’t say it is worth the hype, but it is not really scam. However it is sold with false advertising. The claims that It is rechargeable is false. It uses butane and the USB Port it came with is just for fancy. It is just a fancy lighter that uses Butane.
Some Features Of Brightfire Lighter
- It comes with a USB Charging cord however it is just for fancy as it doesn’t work
- It has an adjustable flame.
- It has a weatherproof design.
- It has a fire security lock switch
- It is also equipped for adventures.
- Unlike traditional lighters, it has an instant start ignition switch
- It is easy to use
- It is pricey
- It is not rechargeable as claimed, it uses butane gas.
How To Use The Brightfire Lighter
The Brightfire Lighter is a very easy to use lighter, all you have to do is simply press the button to turn it on and if you want a small or bigger flame there are buttons for that too.
From the foregoing it is clear that the Brightfire Lighter is not a rechargeable lighter and does not work as advertised. Click here to read on other products we have reviewed.
Do this If you have been Scammed!
Have you been Scammed? Here are some things to do if you’ve been scammed.
Contact your bank and and file complaints also request for a new debit card. If you used Paypal as a method of payment you should document the transactions for future purposes, you can do this by keeping a screenshot.
In as much as online shopping has made life easier and simpler, one ought to be careful when ordering things online to avoid the risk of a hacked credit card and overcharged fees. Before ordering things from an online store check out the following.
The website age, A return address, Customer Reviews and its social media presence.
I’m calling B.S. on your review and the Brightfire Lighter. I bought one and both you and the brightfire website state that you don’t need to worry about butane,that it’ just needs a charge. 1, mine has no charging port, 2, it requires butane, This is just a pretty well-built Mini torch that have recently semi-replaced traditional lighters such as a Bic Lighter. It would have been really cool if the company did develop a lighter that only needed to be charged electrically. now that would be something I’d want to buy!!
March 7, 2024 – they’re still at it. Just saw the ad on a Sony (Samsung) TV. I’d call them if I were you!
I always read the reviews and buy from companies like Amazon as much as possible because of their return policies.
Keep in mind many reviews are fake too and many websites are infected with malware or viruses- AV is a must, even on your iPhones!
I don’t know what review you read but the one you are responding to clearly states that the brightfire lighter he is reviewing absolutely does NOT work as advertised. He says his has a charger port that does not work and his requires butane, which is not what brightfire advertised. He got a refund for those reasons.
Concerning Bright Fire, I also fell for this false add about a plasma torch. The claims that it was NOT a butane lighter; and that it charges from a USB port. Total lie. it is just like the one I bought from amazon, but for twice the price. I called the dealer and they said they would refund my money if I returned it; but that they could not offer a return label, I would have to pay for the return shipping. Once I found that returning it was as expensive as what I had bought the same thing for from Amazon, I called them again and told them that; and that my next call was to the Attorney General to report the fraud. I was told that I didn’t have to return it; and that I would get my money back; which I did. The false add is still going. Perhaps I should go ahead and call the Attorney General, and report the fraudulent advertising.
Why not?
PS it’s always good to fight Fraud. Always.
‘Brightfire’ isn’t a torch, it’s a lighter, albeit a fancy one. True it has a USB port. I think it’s just for looks, because it doesn’t seem to do anything. They claim in the ads that it uses ‘plasma arc technology’, and only needs a charge, because it doesn’t use any fuel. However, when placing the order it states on the order review that it’s ‘gas powered’, which is extremely ambiguous as both butane and plasma are types of gas, one is compressed and the other is ionized. THIS ITEM DOES REQUIRE THE USE OF BUTANE!!!
This product is nice, and I would would have purchased one based on what it TRULY is! Because of the deception, I’m not so sure!
They claim it’s US made, but ships from China. (It does appear that some have shipped from the US.)
After all that:
I gotta wonder about the product and the review. Advertising definitely seems deceptive, to say the least.
You charge it for the spark
The spark is created by piezio ignition. The lighter is not rechargeable. I did buy one, but after using it I still would have bought it if it had been advertised for what it really is. I hate false advertising. I emailed the company and they said that the online ads were hard to stop. BS. If you are expecting what is advertised, don’t buy one. If you just want a decent butane lighter (a bit expensive) that works well, then go ahead.
False review site. It is NOT a “dual arc torch “. First electricity can not shoot out into the air in the air like a torch, and second the add you have probably seen is a blatant lie, it is just a Butane lighter/torch. Amazon has the same thing for much cheaper.
This is one of the scammiest products I’ve ever come across. First, their video shows what is obviously a gas lighter while claiming it’s a “gas-free fully rechargeable plasma lighter.” As if. Plasma lighters don’t have a flame; they have an arc that shoots from one node to the other. And an electric plasma lighter that could be charged by a 5 volt USB port? Pulleeze. The video even shows the butane filling port, calling it an “inflation port.” Now, if this hasn’t excited you enough, their website is INFECTED BY MALWARE. You go there at your own peril.
It is nothing more than a cigar lighter with a piezo ignitor. It is not new or advanced military technology. Total lie in which they say no fuel is needed.
What’s real BS is that sites like this even exist. They take down people on the dark web for cripes sake! They say if they really want to track you even a VPN won’t protect you. So why don’t they have people show up where these things are shipped from and shut them down? Why aren’t there government people who review these ads and make national announcements about their legitimacy? So we can pay for two foreign wars but we can’t put a stop to this BS advertising & fraud companies? Give me a freaking break. I’m pretty sure it’s government officials who start these companies cuz they stick around for years and never get busted. Our whole country has gone to hell.
I almost bit on this then I got to thinking…….plasma uh….thats not how plasma gets created……especially from a 2 hour 5v usb charge…..then Im thinking…..hey its butane and instead of a piezo like in every other lighter on the market (other than bics or flint based spark ignightors) this uses the usb charge to charge its ignghtor)…like duh that took me about 39 seconds to workout, then I came to this websit and you all confirmed that 1. its a lie, 2. its a scam to get your cc card and 3. they are so full of shit.
run away people run away.
Thanks for the comments because I almost fell for this too. I got the ad from YouTube 3/14/24 and they offered it at half price for $40. Crazy! Who would pay $80? Plus they used the 1 hour countdown to get the limited sale. geez. We are always seeming to have trouble with lighters so this sounded really nice. Bummer it is false advertising. When Amazon had it for $20 I figured something was up. Thanks again.
TOTAL SCAM! I purchased a ‘rechargeable’ from bright fire, there’s absolutely no connection to charge. However, there’s a connection for butane on the bottom. I contacted the company and they advised they are all out of the rechargeable devices and only have butane refills and offered half ($20) my money back. The return policy is a complete joke so most people probably just accept half a refund and the company still makes out with $20 per item. DO NOT PURCHASE, TOTAL SCAM!
I too fell for the SCAM…the device I received had no USB ports as shown in the ad. This damn device is merely a glorified butane lighter…period and nothing more.
its funny i got scammed i am the buyer beware and i bought a lighter, when after many complaints about shipping delays it arrived as soon as i opened the box and the little how to use card fell out in Chinese. i knew i was scammed. it works but on butane. overpriced lighter. i am a techy guy. i thought cool.! hey where do you leave a review on their sight? there is a load of them from them selves easy way to do it
Yes, I was scammed too. I fell for the rechargeable USB batteries that create over 300 charge uses per charge. Unfortunately the lighter came without a USB port; it has a Butane fill nozzle. And a piezo electric push button ignition switch. Buyer beware, as this new plasma torch technology doesn’t exist and all you will receive is a glorified butane refillable lighter.
Scammed once before on YouTube adds, and never again. Welcome to the new world reality. It’s all a scam. The only thing that isn’t a scam is our kids are all going to die from climate change. We have lost sight of reality, good luck.
Climate change? Puleeze! That’s the biggest scam of all! There is no period of history on our world when climate was not changing. Long before the Industrial Revolution occurred, the climate was changing.
Is there pollution being added to our water and our air by industrial and combustion processes that we need to clean up? Absolutely! That will make life healthier for all of us, including our children and grandchildren. But it won’t make the tiniest dent in stopping climate change.
The climate change initiatives are designed to take money from relatively wealthy countries and distribute it to relatively poor countries while enriching the UN in the process.
Do your due diligence of research and you’ll find out I’m right.
Are you kidding!?! It’s a total scam. The lighter has none of the unique features advertised. It doesn’t even look like the one pictured. Brightfire even made a second fraudulent charge on card a few minutes after the initial transaction. A month later I had an unknown company charged my account for $40. Was it a coincidence that I had some random merchant charge my account after making the purchase? I think not given in the 47 years I’ve walked the earth I have never fallen victim to card fraud. You’re obviously on board with these scammers. You should hang your head in shame
So apparently Alibaba sells the exact same for between $5 & $6 Each, 100% better source & A S*#tLOAD cheaper!! Plus this way if it’s faulty when it arrives, at least you didn’t spend a small fortune to be completely disappointed by false advertising…
Check this link, its a complete review of how falsely they’ve advertised this ‘rechargeable Tesla Coil Plasma & if your experiencing difficulty getting refuns they give you the way to get at least 70% of your order refunded. (IT’S ALL TOTAL BULL & THAT TECHNOLOGY DOESN’T EVEN EXIST!) that’s apparently what the call centre rep said to someone trying to get their refund of the ‘butane not rechargeable’ plan old jet lighter with a huge flame…
how do. get my money returned? The instructions are in Chinese!
isn’t refillable!
please advise i just received it. i need a return address to send them back and a phone # if possible.
thank you, j bissonette