Arietis Health Data Breach Scam: Interesting Details On The Data Breach Scandal!

Arietis Health is on the news currently for a data breach scandal. Have you received a Data breach notification letter from Arietis Health? Have you heard about the Data Breach Scandal rocking Arietis Health? Do you want to know If and how you have been affected as a customer? Read this article to find out more about the Arietis Health Data Breach.

What is The Arietis Health Data Breach Scandal

Arietis Health is a Health Care Billing company and on the news now for a data breach. They are also notifying patients that their personal information, including: names, dates of birth, driver’s license and/or other state identification card numbers, addresses, Social Security Numbers, medical records, patient account numbers, health insurance information, diagnosis and treatment information, clinical and prescription information, and/or provider information, may have been stolen as part of the recent data breach hack. 

Arietis Health Servicing recently revealed this on 2nd of October, 2023. Not only are they suffering from a data breach, it also happened as a result of a vulnerability in their file-transfer application, MOVEit, a tool Arietis Health relies on to transfer data with its clients securely.

When Did The Arietis Health Data Breach Happen?

The Arietis Health Data Breach Scandal happened on on May 31, 2023, this led to the hackers having access to sensitive files and confidential patient information at one of Arietis Health’s clients, NorthStar Anesthesia.

Information that was exposed in the Arietis Health Data Breach

The breach of data led to the release of multiple documents that have been linked to personal information such as names and address, residence address, social security number, Protected health information and various other documents that were submitted.

Sadly, Arietis Health only discovered this data breach as at July 26, 2023 and immediately launched an investigation into the matter, also alerting Progress Software, the developer of MOVEit, about the vulnerability from their end.

Recently, on October 2nd, 2023, Arietis Health began the process of informing and alerting those patients affected by the data breach by sending out some Data Breach Notification letters to their cutomers/patients and also listing out pieces of their personal information that may have been compromised.

How Did The Arietis Health Data Breach Happen?

The Arietis Health Data Breach happened as a result of a vulnerability in the MOVEit software. The software developers, Progress Software discovered this vulnerability on May 31, 2023, and they informed their customers, including Arietis Health. Even though Arietis Health tried to act promptly after they were informed, they had already been breached.

What To Do If You Have Received A Data Breach Notification Letter From Arietis Health

If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Arietis Health, LLC then you have to do the following:

  • Monitor your financial activities, credit reports, etc.
  • You should also place a fraud alert on your financial activities.
  • Also freeze your accounts or credit so that it cannot be tampered with.
  • You should also change all your passwords.
  • Do well to report the data breach to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and your state’s Attorney General’s office.


Arietis is offering affected individuals complimentary credit monitoring. Additionally, the company has also taken several measures to tighten its security and is also moving away from using MOVEit for file transfers. And by doing this they hope to help victims understand the possible risks of identity theft and learn how they may be able to obtain compensation for everything they’ve gone through and may need to go through in the future..

click Here to read about other Data breach cases.

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